Monday, February 20, 2006

Stitches Haul!

Here's what I got at Stitches West on Saturday!

First we have the softest yarn ever, malabrigo merino worsted (looks bulky to me) in Indigo. I can't wait to make a sweater out of this! I got it from the Webs booth.

Next we have STR! (Socks that Rock from Blue Moon Fiber Arts) By the time I got there, first thing on Saturday, they didn't have any lightweight sock yarn left, so I got medium weight in Blarney Stone (on the left) and Moss Agate (on the right). Last night I broke down and wound up the Blarney Stone and started a pair of toe-up socks (my second pair of socks, first toe-up pair). Because the yarn is medium weight, the sock started out way too big and I frogged it back to fewer stitches and continued on... (2/22 note: I didn't like the toe seam and they were still too big, so I frogged it all, and put it aside until the honeymoon... did I mention I'm bringing a whole suitcase full of yarn on my honeymoon? =D)

Then we have recycled sari silk yarn, which Alyssa and I are going to make shawls out of. If there's enough yarn left over, we want to make purses too.... this was from the Yarn Place booth (new knitting store in Sunnyvale!).

Lastly, I bought banana yarn. Yes, made out of banana plants! I LOVE IT! It's not soft, but it's sooooo shiny! I love the way it drapes. I had to start a scarf with it... it's quite a big longer than in this picture now, even though I took the picture yesterday.... (no homework because of midterms = more knitting! least for a few days)


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